Past Projects
Semi-open water autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) deployment
- Developed and tested underwater localization algorithm.
- Developed and tested underwater navigation algorithm.
- Developed and tested decision-making algorithm.
- Participated in AUV deployment.
- Participated in AUV command and control.
- Packaged software and deployed to multiple AUVs.
- Successfully executed multi-vehicle glider landing and repositioning.
- Achieved landing at target location within tolerance.
- Successfully conducted data collection.
Open water AUV deployment
- Participated in week-long marine AUV operations.
- Developed and tested underwater localization algorithm.
- Developed and tested underwater navigation algorithm.
- Developed and tested decision-making algorithm.
- Performed on-site software modification and deployment.
- Participated in AUVs command and control.
- Participated in equipment setup, repair, and calibration.
- Successfully executed multi-vehicle glider landing and repositioning.
- Achieved landing at the target location within tolerance.
- Implemented an overnight data collection scheme with safe AUV recovery.
- Successfully developed and integrated on-site UI features, meeting acceptance criteria.
ROS Project DevOps
- Developed CI/CD pipelines for building and testing ROS packages.
- Developed CI/CD pipelines for creating x86 and ARM artifacts of ROS workspace.
- Created procedures for version management of three distinct software modules forming one product.
- Developed a CI/CD pipeline for releasing Unity UI executable.
- Successfully packaged a robotic solution into three distinct software artifacts deployable on any ARM or x86 architecture with required sensory payloads.
- Increased the repeatability and integrity of the full solution.